Other Characters Part 2 - Murti Schofield

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Konstantin Heissturm chronology
[KONSTANTIN HEISS Chronology 2016 v7]

1954 - Kurtis’ grandfather Gerhardt Heissturm, is hunted down and killed by Eckhardt and the Cabal. [Gerhardt was present as a young man at the ‘accidental’ release of Eckhardt by Allied bombers in 1945.]

Kurtis’ father Konstantin, age 21, inherits his father’s Lux Veritatis role as Adept as well a number of talismanic items such as the Periapt Shards and various other arcane LV weapons & artefacts of immense potency. Only a properly trained Adept can make use of these items effectively.  
From this point on Konstantin is a target for the Cabal’s murderous attacks trying to totally eradicate the Lux Veritatis, regain the Shards and capture the LV artefacts. There are only a few surviving Lux Veritatis Adepts and these wage a constant war with Eckhardt and the Cabal. The world at large knows nothing of this ‘Shadow War’ fought in the dark corners of history.
1966 - Konstantin, age 33, meets an American Navajo Indian, Marie Cornel. She is a specialist on Shamanism and the Way of the Warrior and is on a lecture tour of Europe. She gets caught in the crossfire of a Cabal assault against Konstantin but proves to have unexpected innate powers that enable the attack to be defeated. As the couple exchange details about their unusual family histories they come to realise that they have a surprising amount in common due to their atypical upbringings. After a whirlwind romance she returns to the States…for now.
NB. Marie Cornel’s father, Jefferson Cornel, was one of the U.S. Marine officers who worked as a Navajo Code Talker during WW II, which goes some way to explaining her roots and possibly her unusual ‘abilities’. From her earliest years she had shown a specialist interest in the mysterious Shadow Walkers, the Watchers or Grigori of the Chumash and Tongva Indians and had experiences which triggered a limited telekinesis and the ability to ‘farsee’.  
1969 – On a Lux Veritatis mission against the Cabal’s forces Konstantin arrives in the US. He seeks out Marie Cornel. Whilst visiting the Anasazi ruins of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico they get attacked and have to wipe out a scavenger pack of Cabal agents. Shortly after that Konstantin and Marie get secretly married in a desert tribal ceremony. For the next few years they move back and forth between the States and Europe.

1972 – KURTIS IS BORN 26/06/72.
Konstantin (age 39x) takes Marie to a secure Lux Veritatis bolthole beneath the Utah Salt Flats and Kurtis is born. As soon as they can travel Kurtis and his mother go into hiding whilst Konstantin makes return trips to the European continent to pursue the ‘Shadow War’.  
There are skirmishes in remote and centralised parts of the world between LV and the Cabal in which the dark Alchemist makes a great deal of use of his sinister Glove [see document: The Glove Wars]. Konstantin has long since mastered use of the arcane LV weapons he inherited, all of which Eckhardt wants in his control. No one except a trained LV can use them effectively but the Black Alchemist wants all such dangerous artefacts captured & buried to prevent their being used against him or his henchmen/agents. These weapons are:
the Chirugai
the Irenfolm
the Irenscyld and  
the Culcrys, all forged from sky-steel or meteorite iron..."

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Konstantin loses the Chirugai

"At the time just previous to his betrayal and murder in 2001 Konstantin Heissturm (age 68) had been running an action on a Cabal outpost in the Baltic Sea close to the coast of Gotland. He was accompanied by a potential Lux Veritatis apprentice for whom he had high hopes; an 18x year old called Annessa Chimoya*.

A fabricated Cabal communique concerning Konstantin’s wife was intercepted. It said that Marie Cornel was in imminent jeopardy in Iceland. As the message contained the code word ‘Keppi’ in runes Konstantin did not doubt its authenticity for a moment and departed in haste, leaving Annessa behind.

He arrived at Vesturhorn in Iceland in record time but had omitted to carry out all his habitual weapons checks. Whatever the full explanation, somehow, his most essential & potent weapon, the Chirugai, was missing! Had Annessa had anything to do with it?

Quite how Annessa Chimoya* purloined the weapons cask containing the Chirugai but immediately lost it in a murderous battle between the LV and the Cabal is detailed elsewhere. What can be said is that the Chirugai cask sank into the cold depths of the Baltic Sea and Annessa was gravely wounded and taken by the Cabal Agency to Eckhardt.
How the lost Chirugai was retrieved and finally delivered into Kurtis’ hands is a long story in its own right involving Marie Cornel and an Amerindian warrior adept, Chingacha Red Hand."

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Luther Rouzic

The librarian-archivist from hell. Gaunt, intense. A grim, scarred academic whose grotesque fetishist mentality is at odds with his bookish profession. A night lurker and ghoul. A figure straight out of Lovecraft – if not Lovecraft himself. Aka the Illusionist. Age: indeterminate.
Librarian Honorarium at Prague city archives. Acknowledged world authority on dead language texts, early maps, myth, legend, Renaissance historic manuscripts and generally obscure exotica. Worked in the field for many years as an archaeologist. [Knew Von Croy and suggested him to Eckhardt as a useful way to find the Obscura Paintings.]
For the Cabal he is Archivist extraordinaire. Maintains a grisly waxworks display recording moments of historic importance: executions, plague victims, notorious murderers, notable deaths at the hands of the Cabal. But one has to ask, are they really just waxworks??? Known to have pursued a venomous persecution of the ex-Lux Veritatis Vasiley bloodline.
Archiviste Sinistre of the Vault of Trophies at the Strahov Complex in Prague – a grisly collection of trophies from all Eckhardt’s defeated enemies and the Cabal’s conquests (see waxworks). Research and maintenance of all findings and data world wide of anything of advantage to the Cabal. Catalogues and records all of Eckhardt's activities in minute detail including construction of bases past and present (e.g. the subterranean base in Cappadocia).
His Vault of Nails is the darkest, innermost sanctum diabolis where his worst excesses are indulged. No one knows what he keeps there. He sometimes refers to himself as the Czar of Nails, and no one know what this means - but it can't be good.
ORIGINS: a native Czech…possibly. Had a reputation as an archaeological field operator out in the middle east at one time but withdrew from the outer world to the inner one of archives and ancient libraries. Quoted as saying that all the real findings in the world are already on record if one knows where to look.
Age: aw forget it.
N.B. Prague is famous for its grotesque museums, ossuaries (hand me that dictionary) and waxworks. Rouzic is actively involved in the maintenance and expansion of all of these.
“…Ahvra Kadavra…” – part of a quote from Rouzic meaning: ‘I will create cadavers.’
Possibly derived from phrases in Hebrew that mean: "I will create as I speak", or Aramaic "I create like the word"."

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Alchemist Allacord Siglum
[ALLACORD SIGLUM notes 2016 v4]
His links to an alchemist of earlier years.

Allacord Siglum was a twentieth century bloodline descendant of the medieval alchemist Arne Saknussemm. In fact he bore an astonishing resemblance to Saknussemm in ways that most people who understood such matters found deeply disturbing. Saknussemm was an Icelandic savant and explorer who was active in the 1400 - 1500’s and reputedly even as far back as the late 1300’s. After Saknussemm’s works were burned by the Inquisition in Copenhagen in 1573 and he himself evaded burning alive, almost all trace of him vanished.  

It was thought that he must have continued his old practice of adopting different names and identities and being constantly on the move to avoid the unwanted attention his apparent lack of ageing inevitably drew to him. There is no definitive record of his activities from that time on or of his eventual demise. But there are some disconcerting appearances, brief and never confirmed, of someone who could have been the Icelandic fugitive in his latter years. Clearly he had taken great care to cloak his continuing work in secrecy, no doubt advancing his great endeavour of alchemical research into the many aspects of dissolution, transfiguration, and resolution - ‘solve et coagulae’ as the ancients would have it.  

Throughout the centuries there have been alchemists of vastly differing abilities whose work was misunderstood, and they all gained much ill repute, deserved or not.  Some would appear to have modelled themselves on the mysterious and long absent Saknussemm. Cases are recorded where it was claimed that signature features identified in disturbing portraits and engravings were those of the gaunt faced Icelandic renegade thought to have perished in the sixteenth century. But of course this was all the merest supposition.

Such beliefs and theorising gave substance to the dark fables of Cursed Eternals, the Wandering Jew, the Undying Mage and so on. Several attempts were made to piece together clues that there were certain individuals slipping through the timestreams of history adopting a succession of guises and assumed names to evade detection. Such attempts came to nothing however as those involved would disappear under grim and often grisly circumstances.  
Saknussemm’s name occurred frequently in this connection and he was often cited as the prima example of an ‘accursed eternal’, a long lived creature aged far beyond the normal requirement or desires of everyday humanity. From time to time such an accursed one would surface beneath the lens of history only to disappear again leaving no discernable trace..."

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Eckhardt and breeding


1. The long term story arc for both Kurtis and Lara would be fascinating to explore if they were the contemporary results of some obscure branch of Eckhardt’s breeding community experiments from the 1300s. It would explain some of their outstanding qualities and drives. Obviously the Lux Veritatis and other family trees could believably have ties with improved bloodlines branching off from Eckhardt’s improved humans experimentation

2. After returning from his meeting with the Nephilim in 1345 with the promise of  100x years of extended life he forged ahead in his attempt to create a Nephuman bloodline capable of becoming incubation vessels for the emergence of the neo-Nephilim. Many improvements were bred into his human stock. Strength and cognitive abilities would be enhanced as well as many other desirable human traits.

3. Once the ‘improved’ human stock began to exhibit stable signs of endurance and vigour Eckhardt would introduce sample individuals into the population at large to ‘seed’ a wider genetic pool. The development and improvement of such seeded bloodlines would be closely monitored and selected individuals exhibiting the qualities he sought would be reintroduced back into his more closely controlled breeder communities. This would more rapidly enhance and advance his genetic pool, his ‘…crucible for the flux of vitality and transcendent celestial potential.’

4. Generations on there would be extraordinary individuals appearing in the world at large but it would be almost impossible to keep track of every emergent exemplar. The Lux Veritatis would be constantly on the look out to recruit families with outstanding abilities or potential as warrior mystics.  They would watch and nurture any ‘specials’  and Kurtis’ family tree could be one of these promising branches, a line traced back to one of these ‘lost’ Eckhardt breeder-batches.

5. Lara too could easily be a twentieth century product of a family line with roots deep in the dark days of medieval genetic transmogrification. Ironic eh. Good plot material though.

6. The coming together of L and K in Paris could have been chance or possibly the culmination of circumstances manipulated from the shadows regions by an ancient agency of a malignant and undying force. To be explored…!
Clearly this needs more thinking about and some timelines drawing up but the depth it gives to both L and K promises many exciting & worthwhile story possibilities."

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Eckhardt and breeding UPDATED
[ECK NEPH bloodline-5Aa 2016]


1. The long term story arc for both Kurtis and Lara would be fascinating to explore if they were the contemporary results of some obscure branch of Eckhardt’s breeding community experiments from the 1300s onwards. It would explain some of their outstanding qualities and drives.

2. Obviously the Lux Veritatis and other family trees could believably have ties with improved bloodlines branching off from Eckhardt’s improved humans experimentation.

3. I’ve long felt that some deep shadowy part of Lara’s past, as yet undisclosed, might link her to some ancient historic forces that have been battling in the shadows of mythic & recorded history. She might be more deeply tied into the ancient and archaic world than has ever been hinted at before. And that, of course, was the starting point of AOD, taking Cappadocian angelic myths and the idea of ancient beings. But what if the links to her own genetic past (and that of Kurtis) were to be explored.

4. After returning from his meeting with the Nephilim in 1345 with the promise of 100x years of extended life he forged ahead in his attempt to create a Nephuman bloodline capable of becoming incubation vessels for the emergence of the neo-Nephilim. Many improvements were bred into his human stock. Strength and cognitive abilities would be enhanced as well as many other desirable human traits.

5. Once the ‘improved’ human stock began to exhibit stable signs of endurance and vigour Eckhardt would      introduce sample individuals into the population at large to ‘seed’ a wider genetic pool. The development and improvement of such seeded bloodlines would be closely monitored and selected individuals exhibiting      the qualities he sought would be reintroduced back into his more closely controlled breeder communities. This would more rapidly enhance and advance his genetic pool, his ‘…crucible for the flux of vitality and transcendent celestial potential.’..."

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The Korumal Erebedi

The Korumal Erebedi, [Eternal Guardians or possibly Guardians of the Eternal] were a pre-biblical tribe who were originally allies of the ancient Nephilim race. However, over time they became much more than mere allies and were used increasingly as a first line of defence for the declining race. The Nephilim had never been vast in number and as their territories suffered relentless attacks from a hostile humanity the numbers dwindled even further. As a consequence they grew used to concealing their presence relying more and more on underground citadels constructed by the Korumal Erebedi for their protection.  
As the centuries advanced and war parties from the neighbouring kingdoms pursued their single minded invasions of the sacred heartland of Anatolie an ambitious and far-reaching plan was devised. A select number of Nephilim would offer themselves to be placed in a state of self-induced dormancy, The Living Sleep. The Sleepers were laid in Cubiculim Nephili, heavily reinforced stone casks or sarcophagi, which were buried in widely scattered secret locations over much of central Capadoccia, as Anatolie later became known. Thus protected they could wait out the decades until the streams and currents of history proved more favourable. When conditions were properly aligned the Sleepers  would be revived and emerge to establish the Nephilim’s rightful place on the Earth.  
The primary purpose of the Korumal Erebedi now became the safeguarding of these Nephilim Sleepers. They were passionately dedicated to this hallowed duty and fought off the continuing assaults and attempts to locate the sacred sleepers throughout the centuries.
Though not of direct Nephilim descent themselves the human Korumal Erebedi had benefited from Nephilim gifts or enhancements such as extended life spans and boosted physical abilities.  This was achieved by the use of what we would now understand as genetic restructuring. Amongst other things they were capable of astonishing feats of strength and endurance, and even a moderate ability to change their physical appearance.  
From the 12th century onwards the most persistent and fanatical persecutors of the Cappadoccian strongholds were military Lux Veritatis forces hell bent on destroying all trace of the Nephilim race and those allied or loyal to them. Within the LV ranks the most blinded by zealotry were the Black Legion, an elite rank of zealots within an already secretive and exclusive Order. The Black Legion were scattered amongst the Knights Templar and often worked under cover of the Crusaders’ banners. They caused mayhem on a vast scale wiping out any suspected Nephilim settlements, seizing relics and artefacts, including the Periapt Shards and quantities of Ferrilium which they forged into Chirugai and Baetyl weapons to be used against their ‘unholy’ foes..."

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Assassin Emmet Brough
[ASSASSIN Emmet Brough -v11]

Emmet Brough, ‘Noose’, The Assassin, The Cleaner, The Pinkerton

A Vietnam vet, Emmet ‘Noose’ Brough, a small framed, hard bitten Texan, served as a Tunnel Rat on two tours in The Green. His kill score was outstanding and he received multiple commendations and a reputation as an exemplary ‘dark-knife’. The Vietnam War ended in 1975 but Emmet stayed on in a ‘private’ capacity only returning to the States in 1977. There he found it impossible to adjust to civilian life and became embroiled in turf wars with drug gangs, and was constantly having brushes with the police. With a life that was spiralling out of control he decided to drive across America on a Harley Davidson 750 acquired from a Mexican drug dealer he near beat to death. At best it was a half-hearted attempt at a fresh start (1978). Once established on the West Coast he was quickly drawn to violence and engaged in numerous brawls and shoot-outs amongst the various biker fraternities. Eventually his talents as a hard hitter with knife skills to match were recognised by the biker anarchists and he was awarded his Dequiallo patch and inducted into the Alamo Avengers charter of the California Hell’s Angels (1979). He ran with them for four years and carved out a niche for himself as an ‘enforcer’, scoring over twenty ‘closures’ not just in the Sunshine State but across the Union.

1983. Whilst running an Alamo protection number against a rival gang in Houston, he was approached by someone he had once encountered in Nam, a covert ops specialist who spoke with an oddly unidentifiable accent. This enigmatic European now introduced himself as Verin Stetlars, a different name from the one he had used on tour in The Green. Emmet is now 29yrs old.

Verin explained that he had tracked Emmet down to offer him an unusual assignment, a contract hit in the Chaco Canyon region, New Mexico. Verin represented something that called itself The Agency and they operated world wide as an enforcement and contingency service.

The present situation was this: a team of Verin’s had carried out an incursion mission against a Native American gang in competition with parties Verin’s Agency was contracted to protect. The Amerindians had been holed up in a Navajo lodge, basically a fortified stronghold, and when Verin’s team attacked the plan had gone badly wrong. The level of force encountered took them completely by surprise. Four team members were killed outright and it was uncertain whether any of the intended targets had been eliminated. At present two surviving Agency team members were on the lam pursued by vengeful Amerinds and time wasn’t on their side. The two had to be extracted leaving no evidence. Verin stressed this several times: leaving no evidence. The proposed outline was a lightning fast in-and-out scenario. Nothing elaborate. Minimum contact with the enemy. Ultra covert. Like so many missions Emmet had executed in Nam. That could mean a number of things but Emmet was comfortable with all of them, whatever they were..."

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The Assassin Interpol profile
[Assassin INTERPOL profile-v3]
Wanted by multiple Judicial Authorities for prosecution.
Charges: murder, kidnapping, assassination, robbery.

PRESENT NAME: Emmet Brough.  
AKA: ‘Noose’, The Assassin, The Cleaner, The Pinkerton.
SEX: Male
D.O.B: 26/5/1957
PLACE OF BIRTH: Alamo Heights, Bexar, Texas
LANGUAGE(S): English. Vietnamese. French.  
1972. Brough committed to 18x months in Lockhart Vaux Hightower (L.V. H.)  experimental correctional facility, Texas. Offered a commuted prison term for service in Vietnam. Served two tours 1973-1975 in select volunteer operations as a Tunnel Rat.
1979. Joined California Hell’s Angels, Alamo Avengers charter. Operated as an HAMC enforcer.  
Multiple illegal activities across all States including 20x possible homicides.
1983. Surfaced in Europe. Suspected of involvement in numerous coups, assassinations and multiple illegal activities. Classified ultra violent. Red Notice on all surveillance and apprehension warrants.
1980s and 1990s. Links to The Agency, an enforcement & protection mercenary service based in Prague. Notable more recent: 1993 Budapest Partnership A massacre; 1998 Denmark, Zealand Äktion Int. bombing; 1997 Hamburg, Coballi gang network murders.
Brough has known links to Parisian pègre Underworld, specifically Louis Bouchard [see wanted listings]. Also a suspect for multiple killings in Russian satellite States and Turkish Federation."

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Daniel Rennes
[DANIEL RENNES pawnbroker biog AOD-v3]

Born 1st Jan 1961 in Limoges. Son of Bernard and Claudine Jaubert, (ex-janitor Old Geezer aged 60 in AOD). Family moved to Rennes in Brittany in 1966.  When his mother died in 1971, in unexplained circumstances, the family moved again, this time to Amien north of Paris. Daniel was 10 yrs old.
Rennes is age 41 at time of AOD

Joined French Navy in 1983 aged 22x. Changed name to Rennes.
Selected for French Commando Frogmen training in 1984.
Underwent intensive training for Combat Swimmer Unit, Nageurs d’Intervention Offensive, N.I.O. - an Engineer Regiment.

Specialised in underwater demolition, operating manned stealth torpedoes, re-breather extraction missions and combat swimmer tactical assault sorties. Honorary citation and decorated. Made up to an Assault & Demolition officer.

Recruited for Select Tactical Swimmer Unit, Trépal Covert Cadre T.C.C.
Took part in many classified missions in all international and territorial waters.

Involved in sinking of Rainbow Warrior in Auckland NZ in 1985.
Last big action in Persian Gulf 1987.
Left the Service 1988. Indicted for misappropriation of forces equipment and supplies, gross insubordination and conduct unbecoming.

Engaged in extensive mercenary activity for various international recruitment agencies (but not Gunderson’s Agency). Criminal connections in Marseilles, Bourges, Nice and eventually Paris, where he provides information and services for Bouchard.

Extremely paranoid and furtive…and eventually, dead 2002.

EXTRAS true: Limpet mines. Bomb disposal. Eavesdropping.
Commandos Marine = Special Operation Forces S.O.F. of French Navy,
Béret Verts (Green Berets).

Founded in 1942 in UK during WWII and modelled on the British Commandos (founded 1940) from Free French Volunteers.

Trained in Achnaccary, in Scotland. Each company of Commados Marine were named after an officer killed during WWII: Trépel, Hubert, Jaubert, Pententenyo, de Montfort, François, Kieffer, Ponchardier.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau, naval officer in WWII helped set up the French Commando Frogmen. Re-breathers in use by 1945."

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Boaz's transformation


I have mused, periodically, on the fact that clearly Boaz's constant surgical experimentations on herself (as well as vivisection procedures carried out on so many others natch) were fuelled by her all consuming obsession, her manic drive to evolve beyond the limits of her own despicable mortality. The restraints of her human physicality sickened her. Added to this, she bitterly resented Eckhardt’s monopoly of the transformative secrets. He wanted all glorification directed exclusively towards himself. So, like every other member of the Cabal, she had her own agendas running. Destiny owed her a Godhead, one specifically to her own design.

Being so unexpectedly fed to the Pod-thing came close to driving her out of her mind but it forced her to transfigure into something she had been preparing for anyway; pupae into ....something immensely powerful and mythic - godlike, terrifying or at least partially so.

She hadn’t planned on her private research being exposed so early. Don’t forget, she had disobeyed Eckhardt and had been clearly running her own programmes with regards the Proto-Nephilim.
So, against all rational expectations, and well ahead of time, she found herself being prematurely semi-botanised and transmogrified. After the initial mind blinding terror had passed she accepted what had happened to her and adapted –rapidly. Unbelievably rapidly!!!!! Even as the bio-acids and complex compounds stripped her life away she went into catatonic shut down [something like Kurtis may have gone through in his ‘dying’ moments when she stabbed him].  As the Pod crushed and pulped her she unleashed a series of auto-mutagens from her own mutilation adapted organs and quickly brought the digestive attack to a halt. She was barely in time.

With the deadly process of absorption halted, she was able to utilise components from the Pod-thing’s corpus to trigger a fast-phase process of accelerated mutation in her own body. At a cellular all that was left of her exploded and reformed (perfect Alchemical “solve et coagula”) like a rampant mutagenic tsunami. The paralysing terror she had experienced on being thrown from the gantry in the BioDome evaporated and she rode the wave or expanding exultation to keep herself intact. What she was experiencing now was an unholy and hysterical ecstasy.

She. Was. Trans. Forming. Becoming. Birthing!!!

Granted she didn't quite achieved the form she had been working towards for decades, which was something along the Nephilim lines that Eckhardt had been hoping for...but she was far from displeased.
In her mind (and what a labyrinthine pit of horrors that must be) she was close to achieving an almost angelic pre-figuration. Once she could fast-evolve past the first skittering spider-thing stage she would be close. She would become something akin to a Nephilim winged configuration but with amendments based on her own design. Her herculean effort inside the Pod-mutant-thing was rewarded when Kurtis ‘killed’ the spider-crab-thing form and allowed her to emerge as the final winged form illustrated so well here by Teemu. Fan-bloody-tastic.
Ooops, that was only going to be a couple of sentences and turned into something quite other. Ah well.
Jus’ sayin’

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Copyright (c) 2025 Murti Schofield. Lara Croft and Tomb Raider are the property of Embracer Group AB and Crystal Dynamics (formally Core Design, Eidos Interactive, and Square Enix).
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