More ideas for AoD II
Lara is contacted by Kurtis. [Or tracks him down to a retreat in the Brazilian mountains – see notes in separate document.] It’s three months after the events in Game I. He’s still in a bad way, much weaker than when we saw him last. He could be dying. It’s vital he rejuvenate his powers before it’s too late. To do this he must reach a Lux Veritatis Bloodline Room and there is only one left that he knows about. In Castle Kriegler.
Where has he been all this time? He went into hiding after events at the Strahov. Kurtis explains how Boaz’s poison nearly killed him but he managed to crawl into the relative safety of the Vault of Trophies. There he went into a protective toxic coma. Later he escaped when the coast was clear and has been tracking the Nephilim-Karel’s moves whilst trying to recover his own strength. Yes, the Nephilim survived the destruction of the Strahov Complex in Game I.
With Lara’s help he needs to get inside Castle Kriegler on the German Czech border. This was a Lux Veritatis stronghold and Eckhardt’s prison from 1445 until 1945. Hidden away beneath its ruins are extensive catacombs and tunnels containing the Bloodline Room. This is protected by an occult seal on a massive vault door. Inside there is also vital information on where the Lux Veritatis hid the last two Nephilim Sleepers. [There were always three Sleepers.] Karel wants the Sleepers and intends to go to Castle Kriegler for their locations.
If Lara can help Kurtis reach the Bloodline Room she can use the Periapt Shards to lock down the Sleeper chamber properly to stop Karel. [Lara has all three Shards from Game I.]
Kurtis is still too weak to use his psychic powers fully. He can’t operate the Blade that Lara picked up at the Strahov; not without rejuvenating in the Bloodline Room. They plan a rendezvous at Castle Kriegler and split up.
Lara makes her way to the Castle on the German Czech border and has to fight her way through the enemy infested forest. She gets to the foot of the colossal ruins untouched since the Allied bombing in 1945. It was this bombardment that enabled Eckhardt to escape with the help of the Cabal.
Kurtis is waiting there. Lara offers him the Blade weapon but he says his powers are still too weak to use it.
They enter the ruins and Kurtis leads the way to the sublevels. Below the rubble left by the bombing whole sections of a subterranean complex are still intact. There are many Lux Veritatis secrets in this buried bunker, ones only hinted at in Game I.
Kurtis says that their priority is to permanently seal the vault door using the Shards. He can rejuvenate once this is done. They need to coordinate Lara inserting the Shards into the massive door seal and Kurtis operating some big lever apparatus. But then, just as the three Shards are inserted a second Kurtis appears and yells for Lara to stop.
The first Kurtis is the Nephilim-Karel in shape shifting guise. The real Kurtis yells that the vault door must remain locked to stop the Karel.
All hell breaks loose. Karel-Kurtis and true-Kurtis go for each other. Lara throws true-Kurtis his Blade and Karel, in his undisguised form, is using an equally cool Nephilim weapon. Huge ding dong slugfest during which Karel manages to throw the switch and get into the vault. He slams it shut behind him. L & K may have to mop up any backup baddies Karel brought with him..."
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The Lost Dominion finale v1
"“Flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo.”
“If I cannot move the gods I will stir up Hell.”
Oath sworn by Karel after barely escaping Eckhardt’s murderous treachery in destroying the First Cabal.
What we witness is an epic Joseph Campbell moment of revelation for our heroine. Lara has a Road To Damascus moment of compassionate understanding about Karel as he finally lies broken and dying. This is the defeated King Lear, the remorse-filled Othello, the crushed and dying Arthur, Beowulf expiring at the conclusion of his last great battle. It is the essence of every archetypal climactic moment of every great heroic saga. Nations will mourn. The Earth will weep. Dreams will wither and die. (sob!)
In the final confrontation between Lara and her AOD nemesis she has finally had her eyes opened to the nature of what this last Nephilim has been trying to do for his race. “All we’ve ever been trying to do is survive.” He spoke the truth. She sees this now. In his terms and in light of what his race has suffered at the hands of a treacherous and violent humanity over the centuries his actions and methods are perfectly understandable. The realisation shocks Lara to core especially as it throws an unattractive light on her own inflexible behaviour and limited perceptions.
She has at last come to grasp what is going on here, the tragic grandeur of a lone survivor fighting for the life of his near-extinct race.
In the last scene:
Lara, Kurtis and Karel have been battling it out and after a prolonged head to head slugfest Kurtis is proving the more indomitable. Working in tandem L and K have managed to breach Karel’s defences and Kurtis has pressed home the advantage. His rage is merciless.
With the full rallying of his considerable abilities and empowered by vengeful wrath he is taking the wounded Karel apart. Righteous fury consumes the young Lux Veritatis. This unholy creature, this embodiment of evil, this monstrous abomination will pay for the slaughter of his father and every LV adept and elder throughout history.
The intensity of Kurtis’ fury blinds him to everything except annihilation. And for the first time in her life Lara realises what this says about human nature, herself and a life spent in violence. She undergoes a total and profound cognitive shift and it nearly obliterates her.
Karel falls and Kurtis is about to deliver the final shattering blow when Lara intervenes attempting to spare Karel at the last moment. But things go wrong. The very air is being ripped apart by the colossal assault of etheric and physical violence. Lara herself is mortally wounded and despite her sacrifice Karel too has received his death blow. And he knows it. The two of them lie entangled in the wreckage of this last titanic battle with Kurtis standing over them stupefied at what has happened. He is still gripped by the battle-trance his body trembling from barely contained passions. He is totally unable to comprehend what Lara has done. He stares horrified, stunned and completely immobilised....."
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The Lost Dominion finale v2
"“Flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo.”
“If I cannot move the gods I will stir up Hell.”
Oath sworn by Karel after barely escaping Eckhardt’s murderous treachery in destroying the First Cabal.
What we witness is an epic Joseph Campbell moment of revelation for our heroine. Lara has a Road To Damascus moment of compassionate understanding about Joachim Karel as he battles for survival and finally lies broken and dying. This is the defeated King Lear, Chingachcook last of the Mohicans, the remorse-filled Othello, the crushed and dying Arthur, Beowulf expiring at the conclusion of his last great battle. It is the essence of every archetypal climactic moment of every great heroic saga. Nations will mourn. The Earth will weep. Dreams will wither and die. Nations will pause and become reconciled. Couch potatoes will choke on their TV dinners. (sob!)
In the final confrontation between Lara and her AOD nemesis she has finally had her eyes opened to the nature of what this last Nephilim has been trying to do for his race. “All we’ve ever been trying to do is survive.” He spoke the truth. She sees this now. In his terms and in light of what his race has suffered at the hands of a treacherous and violent humanity over the millennia his actions and methods are perfectly understandable. The realisation shocks Lara to core especially as it throws an unattractive light on her own inflexible behaviour and limited perceptions. Humans, she is forced to admit, are barbarians.
She has at last come to grasp what is going on here, the tragic grandeur of a lone survivor, last of his race fighting for the life of his near-extinct species.
In the last scene:
Lara, Kurtis and Karel have been battling it out and after a prolonged head to head slugfest the two ‘heroes’ gain the upper hand. They have managed to breach Karel’s defences and Kurtis has pressed home the advantage. Kurtis is proving the more indomitable and his rage is merciless.
With the full rallying of his considerable abilities and empowered by vengeful wrath he is taking the wounded Karel apart. Righteous fury consumes the young Lux Veritatis. This unholy creature, this embodiment of evil, this monstrous abomination will pay for the slaughter of his father and every LV adept and elder throughout history.
The intensity of Kurtis’ fury blinds him to everything except annihilation. And for the first time in her life Lara realises what this says about human nature, herself and a life spent in violence. She undergoes a total and profound cognitive shift and it nearly obliterates her.
Karel falls and Kurtis is about to deliver the final shattering blow when Lara intervenes attempting to spare Karel at the last moment. But things go wrong. The very air is being ripped apart by the colossal assault of etheric and physical violence. Lara herself is mortally wounded and despite her sacrifice Karel too has received his death blow. And he knows it. The two of them lie entangled in the wreckage of this last titanic battle with Kurtis standing over them stupefied at what has happened. He is still gripped by the battle-trance his body trembling from barely contained passions. He is totally unable to comprehend what Lara has done. He stares horrified, stunned and completely immobilised..."
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The Lost Dominion finale v3
[KAREL _KURTIS_life MISSION-v4c 2016]
"“Flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo.”
“If I cannot move the gods then I will stir up Hell.”
Oath sworn by Régis Limoux (Karel’s identity during the 1300’s to 1400’s) after being caught up in, and barely escaping, Eckhardt’s murderous treachery in destroying the First Cabal in 1368 and repeated in 1888 when Karel joins the Cabal as a being of human origins (though not quite of course).
What we witness is an epic Joseph Campbell moment of revelation for our heroine. Lara has a Road To Damascus moment of empathic understanding about Joachim Karel as he battles for survival and finally lies broken and dying. This is the defeated King Lear, Chingachcook last of the Mohicans, the remorse-filled Othello, the crushed and dying Arthur, Beowulf expiring at the conclusion of his last great battle. It is the essence of every archetypal climactic moment of every great heroic saga. Nations will mourn. The Earth will weep. Dreams will wither and die. Nations will pause and become reconciled. Couch potatoes will choke on their TV dinners. (sob!)
Why? Well let’s see.
In the final confrontation between Lara and her AOD nemesis she has finally had her eyes opened to the nature of what this last Nephilim has been trying to do for his race. “All we’ve ever been trying to do is survive.” He spoke the truth. She sees this now. In his terms and in light of what his race has suffered at the hands of a treacherous and violent humanity over the millennia his actions and methods are perfectly understandable. The realisation shocks Lara to the core especially as it throws an unattractive light on her own inflexible behaviour and limited perceptions. Humans, she is forced to admit, are barbaric and a deeply flawed race.
She has at last come to grasp what is going on here, the tragic grandeur of a lone survivor, last of his race fighting for the life of his near-extinct species.
In the last scene:
Lara, Kurtis and Karel have been battling it out and after a prolonged head to head slugfest the two ‘heroes’ gain the upper hand. They have managed to breach Karel’s defences and Kurtis has pressed home the advantage. Kurtis is proving the more indomitable and his rage is merciless.
With the full rallying of his considerable abilities and empowered by vengeful wrath he is taking the wounded Karel apart. Righteous fury consumes the young Lux Veritatis. This unholy creature, this embodiment of evil, this monstrous abomination will pay for the slaughter of his father and every LV adept and elder throughout history.
The intensity of Kurtis’ fury blinds him to everything except annihilation. And for the first time in her life Lara realises what this says about human nature, herself and a life spent in violence. She undergoes a total and profound cognitive shift and it nearly obliterates her.
Karel falls and Kurtis is about to deliver the final shattering blow when Lara intervenes attempting to spare Karel at the last moment. But things go wrong. The very air is being ripped apart by the colossal assault of etheric and physical violence. Lara herself is mortally wounded and despite her sacrifice Karel too has received his death blow. And he knows it. The two of them lie entangled in the wreckage of this last titanic battle with Kurtis standing over them stupefied by what has happened. He is still gripped by the battle-trance his body trembling from barely contained passions. He is totally unable to comprehend what Lara has done. He stares horrified, stunned and completely immobilised..."
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Story AoD II
Game II kicks of by revisiting the ending of AOD, after events at the Strahov, where we all thought we knew the fates of Lara, Kurtis and Karel. Well think again. (See document which revisits the final scene of AOD and puts a new light on the entire concluding scene between Lara, Kurtis and Karel).
KURTIS survived and managed to crawl into the relative safety of the Vault of Trophies. There he went into a protective toxic coma and later, much much later, escaped making his way back to the place of his birth at Utah Salt Flats where his mother & family tribal elders took him in whilst he convalesced.
Later, onboard a Nato transatlantic convoy, he met up with an old buddy from the Foreign Legion and heard disturbing rumours about disquieting events in the Languedoc region of southern France. Kurtis had once followed a trail which led him to believe that a Lux Veritatis Bloodline Room might be located there. There had been some possibility that it might also have been located in Castle Kriegler, hidden away beneath its ruins in extensive catacombs and tunnels but Kurtis’ money was on the ruins of Montsegur.
Kurtis decides to go and check out the rugged region around Carcassone first. This blood soaked landscape is where the Cathar/Albigensian ‘heresy’ was so brutally suppressed around the time that the Knights Templar were also persecuted and scattered. Beneath the fortress of Montsegur, deep in the quarried subterranean quarters, is a massive vaulted door protected by occult seals and slumbering, deadly guardians. Inside there are vital clues to where the Lux Veritatis hid the last two Nephilim Sleepers.
There were always three Sleepers and Karel wants the remaining two Nephilim Uyuyanlar to continue his unchanged dream of reviving his near extinct race and set it in dominion over the dark age that is looming. Everywhere on the planet there is war, slaughter and strife and amidst such all consuming chaos his great shadow-plan has every chance of gaining ground before coming to anyone’s attention - until it is too late of course.
LARA meanwhile, has been recuperating with her once-mentor Putai in the heat and isolation of the desert landscapes of North Africa (El Hawa, Lara of Arabia). She too picks up rumours and signs of Nephilim-Karel’s survival and has begun tracking his moves as tries to recover his strength and powers.
Karel is in action again. He has hunted down the only other living descendant of a Lux Veritatis initiate, Vasiley, and tortured her into translating the unbreakable LV code of the Sleeper Scrolls. The name rings a bell, Morgau Vasiley. It emerges that Mathias Vasiley, the murdered dealer in Prague, was a rogue Lux Veritatis initiate expelled from the Order in the 1950’s for degenerate behaviour. He should have been terminated by the Order but disappeared and re-emerged decades later with a new identity and a daughter tutored in basic LV skills. The unfortunate Morgau never had the true training that made Kurtis unique and when she came to Karel’s attention she suffered terrible treatment, which left her mutilated and unhinged. Whatever, the end result was now that Karel had the Sleeper Scrolls at least partially translated and subsequently knows where the last two Sleepers are hidden – or are likely to be hidden. Lara has to go after Karel and scupper the Nephilim Shapeshifter’s plans, again.
For Kurtis the clues at Monsegur seem to indicate that the Sleepers are back at one of the ancient original sites in Anatolia, Turkey and Karel, along with the pain-slaved Morgau, hightail it to the Cappadocian plains and the Gőrėme valley..."
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Game II kicks of by revisiting the ending of AOD, after events at the Strahov, where we all thought we knew the fates of Lara, Kurtis and Karel. Well think again. (See document which revisits the final scene of AOD and puts a new light on the entire concluding scene between Lara, Kurtis and Karel).
KURTIS survived and managed to crawl into the relative safety of the Vault of Trophies. There he went into a protective toxic coma and later, much much later, escaped making his way back to the place of his birth at Utah Salt Flats where his mother & family tribal elders took him in whilst he convalesced.
Later, onboard a Nato transatlantic convoy, he met up with an old buddy from the Foreign Legion and heard disturbing rumours about disquieting events in the Languedoc region of southern France. Kurtis had once followed a trail which led him to believe that a Lux Veritatis Bloodline Room might be located there. There had been some possibility that it might also have been located in Castle Kriegler, hidden away beneath its ruins in extensive catacombs and tunnels but Kurtis’ money was on the ruins of Montsegur.
Kurtis decides to go and check out the rugged region around Carcassone first. This blood soaked landscape is where the Cathar/Albigensian ‘heresy’ was so brutally suppressed around the time that the Knights Templar were also persecuted and scattered. Beneath the fortress of Montsegur, deep in the quarried subterranean quarters, is a massive vaulted door protected by occult seals and slumbering, deadly guardians. Inside there are vital clues to where the Lux Veritatis hid the last two Nephilim Sleepers.
There were always three Sleepers and Karel wants the remaining two Nephilim Uyuyanlar to continue his unchanged dream of reviving his near extinct race and set it in dominion over the dark age that is looming. Everywhere on the planet there is war, slaughter and strife and amidst such all consuming chaos his great shadow-plan has every chance of gaining ground before coming to anyone’s attention - until it is too late of course.
LARA meanwhile, has been recuperating with her once-mentor Putai in the heat and isolation of the desert landscapes of North Africa (El Hawa, Lara of Arabia). She too picks up rumours and signs of Nephilim-Karel’s survival and has begun tracking his moves as tries to recover his strength and powers.
Karel is in action again. He has hunted down the only other living descendant of a Lux Veritatis initiate, Vasiley, and tortured her into translating the unbreakable LV code of the Sleeper Scrolls. The name rings a bell, Morgau Vasiley. It emerges that Mathias Vasiley, the murdered dealer in Prague, was a rogue Lux Veritatis initiate expelled from the Order in the 1950’s for degenerate behaviour. He should have been terminated by the Order but disappeared and re-emerged decades later with a new identity and a daughter tutored in basic LV skills. The unfortunate Morgau never had the true training that made Kurtis unique and when she came to Karel’s attention she suffered terrible treatment, which left her mutilated and unhinged. Whatever, the end result was now that Karel had the Sleeper Scrolls at least partially translated and subsequently knows where the last two Sleepers are hidden – or are likely to be hidden. Lara has to go after Karel and scupper the Nephilim Shapeshifter’s plans, again.
For Kurtis the clues at Monsegur seem to indicate that the Sleepers are back at one of the ancient original sites in Anatolia, Turkey and Karel, along with the pain-slaved Morgau, hightail it to the Cappadocian plains and the Gőrėme valley."
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Kurtis Trent - Demon Hunter
[KURTIS-GAME-v3 2016]
[…OR if it is set after AOD Lara could well appear as a guest shoot-em-up-buddy]
Kurtis’ life is dogged by demonic forces popping up everywhere, even though he has abandoned his Lux Veritatis past. But he has no hesitation using the abilities developed during his early training. He cannot deny his upbringing or his destiny.
ASSETS: Kurtis is highly adaptable to many situations.
- His psychic abilities can be expanded or limited to suit different situations.
- Special weapons available, such as the Blade, can easily be expanded. We have lots of ideas for LV weapons.
- Special enemies – demons – forces of evil - rogue Lux Veritatis with powers to match his own, such as a Ninja style female.
MISSIONS – a few ideas.
- Kurtis has a mentor who briefs him and sets missions (?)
- Reconnaissance style missions with the added twist of Kurtis’ special abilities.
- Some missions could be just all out demon slaying slugfests.
- Kurtis gets hunted by a demon group who want the secret of his powers.
- Kurtis as a mercenary, a Ronin for hire. Hired to clear a city slum of ‘weird’ infestations.
- Tracking a rogue group of Lux Veritatis gone evil.
- Kurtis must find 3 legendary Lux Veritatis weapons to prevent them falling into the wrong hands.
- Kurtis even ends up freelancing for Gunderson’s global security service, The Agency, without knowing exactly who they are.
LOCATIONS – a few ideas.
- A gutted desert fortress during Kurtis’ days in the Foreign Legion.
- An abandoned ice station at the North Pole. Frozen horrors are thawing out.
- Remote Madagascan jungle tomb.
- New Orleans slums with Kurtis searching for a kidnap victim.
- Hong Kong boat town – a horrifying trade in human beings and organs is being carried out there.
- Utah Salt Flats where Kurtis goes back to visit his mother Marie Cornel-Heissturm. He and she team up to wipe out a Cabal stealth team sent to eliminate LV persons. Chance to see his kick-ass mother in action with her special abilities.
- Inside an extinct volcano with honeycomb tunnels extending miles under the Earth.
- Bio-tech weapons research station disguised as an oil rig.
- A Batcave style LV training area - with special challenges and equipment..."
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The three realities
[3 REALITIES 2018 update-v3]
Karel-Nephilim has now been returned to his full Nephilim powers at his final base in Cappadocia. At the lowest subterranean level is the definitive base for his more hi tech, high-arcana area for experimentation. This is an astonishing meld of retro-Alchemic science and modern hi-tech instrumentation. This is also where his final Nephilim defence system is located, named the: THREE REALITIES or REALMS.
The final confrontation with Lara (and Kurtis?) takes place here.
This ancient esoteric defence system draws power from the ZENOATH, the ultimate Nephilim source of power and knowledge. As well as being a tremendous source of coruscating energies this vault contains every detail of all recorded Nephilim history. It also contains a master template of Neph final destiny as inheritors of Earth and all its dominions. It is also a PORTAL to other Nephilim realms in possible time and alternate space….pretty darn good eh. (Phew! take a deep breath).
FINAL BATTLE (gaming idea…!)
The THREE REALMS or REALITIES is a structure which projects any non Nephilim intruder into three deadly situations generated from their own fears.
For Lara these are possibly:
- the lost world area with the T-REX from Tomb #1
- the HIMALAYAS, site of Lara’s plane crash from Tomb #2
- EGYPTIAN TOMBS. How Lara managed to escape from Tomb #4.
Lara has to shut down each of her realities by locking a Periapt Shard in some crucial place or stabbing Karel or some other baddy or summat exciting but probably Periapt based.
Other possible ideas for this final face-off:
- a massive transformative sarcophagus for enhancing the latent blood-linked potential of select individuals, especially those with remote Neph genetics…
- the last of the Nephilim Sleepers – there were always three
- Another possibility could be back in Castle Kriegler where so many secrets have been buried for centuries and could yield some fantastic story & game play.
- Lara is projected into some possible future where the Nephilim race has been successfully revived by Karel and dominates life on Earth with all the horrors that implies for human beings. She has to find and reassert and reset the original time-line where the Neph stay as a foot note in Terran history."
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The Zenoath
[ZENOATH notes 2018]
"The ZENOATH, a primal source of ancestral regeneration for the Nephilim
FROM DOCUMENT: Alch-lab-Capp-4 in Turkey Archive – short version. Dec 2000
It was unclear exactly what the Zenoath was but it underlay the entire racial history of the Nephilim. At some point in the past contact with this vital life-force had been lost or it had become unreachable and the race had gone into decline.
The Zenoath lay behind a protective Portal which would kill any human who attempted to pass through it. Only a Nephilim could pass safely. Eckhardt found evidence that the Zenoath Portal lay in a labyrinth at the deepest level of a subterranean city in the region where the Nephilim once thrived in Turkey. The Zenoath was the key to restoring (or controlling) the remaining Nephilim.
Eckhardt located the Portal after his escape in 1945. Over the decades he constructed his subterranean powerbase around it with the help of the Cabal. Now, with the Obscura Paintings finally reassembled, the last elements of his plan are in place. All the experimental human breeding stock are prepared and have been shipped in from the Strahov in Prague. The alchemic elements needed to power up the Sanglyph and the mosaic circuits are gathered. It is time!
Eckhardt plans to enter the forbidden level through the Portal and take control of the mysterious Zenoath power source.
Karel-Shapeshifter stays close to Eckhardt to secretly monitor and influence matters to the Neph’s own advantage. It was a hazardous undertaking because Eckhardt had to be allowed to proceed until the very final stages of his plan. He must think he was actually going to seize control of the Zenoath, the heart of all remaining Nephilim power. Then, in one last desperate move he would be killed and the regeneration of the race would be initiated under Karel’s control."
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Historical keydates
CRUSADE 1096-1099
1118 Knights Templar founded
1176 Lux
Veritatis founded.
1189-1192 Richard Lionheart.
Children’s Crusade 1202
5th 1218-1221
1248-1254 LV destroy many Sleepers (except 7x).
Korumal Erebedi (Guardians) decimated.
Only 20x Nephilim survive, one of whom is Karel (later name).
Templar 1118-1314 Suppressed at the burning of Jacques de Molay.
Veritatis 1176-today Still active in 20th century…just.
take Periapts 1203 From looted Nephilim site.
destroy Sleepers 1248-1254 During last Crusade LV destroy all but
They have learned how to forge
ferrilium metals after studying the Periapts and have created new
weapons, one of which is the Chirugai.
1229-1808 Founded by Dominicans.
1244 Albigensians crushed at Montségur,
Eckhardt born 1294
(20yrs) 1314 Initiated into Cabal of 6 Black Alchemists.
Helps hide some key Knights Templars from the Inquisition & hears
of Nephilim & Korumal Erebedi Guardian Order.
(51yrs) 1345 Perfects Alchemical skills. Goes to Anatolia.
Meets with 55x K Erebedi but not the 20x living
Neph Elders. Returns home with his holy task-mission. Karel follows
on, Shapeshifted to appear as Régis Limoux.
1333 Eckhardt
makes his first prototype Glove.
1359 Plans to double cross Nephilim Dark Angels
(74yrs) 1368 Eck
kills most of his Cabal. 2x escape &
the ‘Shadow Coterie’ a rival Cabal.
(131yrs) 1425 Sanglyph
completed – metal parts.
(151yrs) 1445 The
Nephilim reckoning. Eck completes the
‘Glove’. Wants to locate tomb of the Cubiculum Nephili
but gets incarcerated by Karel-Neph as a lesson “in obedience”.
Eck’s prison is deep below his fortified keep. The LV seize their
chance to invade the stronghold and lock Eck inescapably in his
dungeon using the Periapts. He only escapes in 1945. (That’ll teach
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Parallel and alternate Tomb Raider universes
Suggestion to Meagan in 2016
What about parallel TR Universes running as concurrent series!!!
It’d be fascinating to see two parallel TR universe versions of Lara with the cool retro-classic style games that would capture the old magic, eg where the AOD Nephilim story cycle continued… immense potential especially as AOD has a guaranteed and fanatical fanbase…
…and the newer, current Crystal D Generation II incarnation of Lara with the super graphics and innovative storyline & style.
Both of these parallel universes could exist alongside. Both camps of fans kept happy and slugging it out as to which is better – OR having fun making comparisons between the two.
It’s been done with so many hero relaunches and expanded franchises from the Batman alternate world stories, through the many Superman variations and other mainstream characters and franchises. One of my favourite is Batman in New York/Gotham in 1888 where he runs into Jack the Ripper. Classic. And the Parallel Worlds version of Superman who landed from Krypton in the USSR and became a very different version of the Man of Steel.
The potential is enormous."
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