Profile summaries - Lara Kurtis Eckhardt
Lara is harder, darker and radically changed after her experience in Egypt. Whatever happened there has left its mark and she has withdrawn from contact with anyone from her previous life. No one can get through. The dark memories that haunt her remain locked inside. And no one risks getting close enough to ask.
We find her in a grim, shadow filled city whose mood matches her own. Paris, a capital under siege, terrorised by a series of brutal, ritualistic killings. She is here to meet with Von Croy, a terrified Von Croy, whose increasingly desperate calls for help she has ignored, until now. Lara still blames him for abandoning her in the tombs in Egypt. The fact that her ex-mentor is clearly in desperate danger and way over his head evokes no sympathy from Lara. Although she has grudgingly agreed to meet him her motives in coming to Paris remain unclear. A final confrontation? A reckoning? Bitter retribution?
She hasn’t come to Paris expecting to have to fight for her life but when Von Croy is butchered events draw her into a sinister shadow world where there are new rules for survival, rules you have to learn – fast. Accused of his murder she becomes a fugitive framed by dark forces she doesn’t understand. Her primary aim is to survive but if she can expose the forces behind the killings, well, a little cold revenge for the inconveniences wouldn’t go amiss. And once she can get hold of a couple of hand canons they’d better watch out.
This is classic Lara as both hunter and hunted relying on her ingenuity, athleticism and a new edge that has arisen from her dark inner demons.
Pieter Van Eckhardt - A.K.A. the Black Alchemist. A.K.A. the Monstrum.A seriously disturbed fourteenth century genius who achieved a hideously deformed immortality through a pact with the last of a declining race of beings called the Nephilim. Though thought to be extinct these entities still harbour dreams of returning to their original numbers by interbreeding with the human race, as they did once before in biblical times.
Eckhardt was kept confined in a prison pit by the Lux Veritatis, an order of Guardians descended from the Knights Templar and dedicated to this one task. Unfortunately Eckhardt managed to escape in 1945 with the help of a sinister group called the Cabal. Since then Eckhardt has hunted down and killed the last of the Lux Veritatis members in a decades long act of revenge. He is also set to reintroduce the Nephilim race in his own image with himself as the ruling pinnacle of a new world order. Not short on ambition these twisted Renaissance geniuses.
He has made a token effort to blend with the modern world – or as much an effort as an insane fourteenth century alchemist just released from 500 years confinement in a plague pit can manage. To sustain his barely human appearance he needs to kill on a regular basis. Without this replenishment his appearance becomes withered and repulsive..."
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Main characters bullet point notes
"LARA CROFT - notes
1. Lara is radically changed after Egypt and has given up tomb raiding.
2. She is still furious at Von Croy for abandoning her in the tombs.3. Still damaged and troubled by the event – darker (like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2).
4. Only comes to Paris to tear Von Croy off a strip after he begs for help.
5. Unsure how Von Croy died even though she was present at the time.
6. Pursues Eckhardt/The Monstrum a) to clear her name b) to exact revenge for Von Croy.
7. Chases the Obscura Paintings as the only trail linking Von Croy’s death to Eckhardt.
8. Eventually out to stop Eckhardt from completing his final mad plan in the depths of the Strahov in Prague.
9. Finally turns Eckhardt’s own alchemic abilities against him.
ECKHARDT – notes
2. He kills to a) rejuvenate his shrivelling body b) harvest essential human-bio-elements for use in arcane processes.
3. Being seriously unhinged he still thinks in ancient alchemic (though highly advanced) terms.
4. Known also as the Black Alchemist.
5. Needs the five Obscura Paintings, and the symbols they contain, to complete his final plans of personal transformation.
6. Killed Von Croy (apparently) for holding back on his findings about the Obscura Paintings – or so we think at first. [It was actually Karel.]
7. Plans to breed the Nephilim race back into existence, dominate the remaining Nephilim and become master of the new breed of beings..."
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Bouchard Shapeshifter notes
- Bouchard blabs, says he’s got involved with Eckhardt who is a ruthless killer – the MONSTRUM.
- He got coerced by Eckhardt who was putting pressure on his operations, threatened his family and was killing his men. He had to deliver the Obscura Painting from the Louvre into Eckhardt’s hands or else…! Getting rid of Lara was just part of his instructions to tidy up loose ends.
- Eckhardt is protected by a group called the Cabal. This powerful alliance of five sinister individuals run things from the Strahov here in Prague. They are far more powerful and dangerous than the MAFIA.
- No one knows their real ages.
Lara asks what he knows about the Obscura Paintings.
- Eckhardt is after the five Obscura Paintings and has FOUR of them now (after getting the Louvre Painting). When he has all five he can proceed with some insane plan he has to breed the mythical Nephilim race back into existence. The Sleeper - The CUBICULUM NEPHILI.
- Vasiley located the five Obscura Engravings here in Prague. Each Engraving contains an encoded map of where the Painting it depicts can be found.
- Eckhardt found out that Vasiley sent four Engravings to Von Croy in Paris but kept the last one here in Prague. Intercepted faxes between Von-Croy and Vasiley confirmed this.
- Vasiley was killed but the fifth Engraving hasn’t been found yet. It’s somewhere on the premises. Vasiley hid it well.
- The last Engraving shows where the last Painting can be found in a place called The Vault of Trophies somewhere beneath the Strahov.
- The Vault of Trophies is a lost Lux Veritatis chamber that Eckhardt has been trying to locate.
“I’ll find the engraving, discover where the painting is and destroy it.”"
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Character list A C and D
[Characters-A C D-list-v1]
Merged from Character-A-list-v1, Character-C-list-v1, and Character-D-list-v1
PIETER VAN ECKHARDT. An insane fourteenth century genius known as The Black Alchemist. After 500 years imprisonment in a containment pit he escaped in 1945 and set about reviving the biblical race known as the Nephilim.
KURTIS TRENT. Ex Legionnaire and adventurer. Raised as a Lux Veritatis initiate he took on his father’s mantle as an adept after Eckhardt hunted down and killed the last of the ancient Order.
PROFESSOR WERNER VON CROY. World respected archaeologist and part time adventurer. Was Lara’s mentor in her early years. Now in his late fifties living in Paris.
Mlle MARGOT CARVIER. Historian and academic at the Louvre Dept of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Involved in recent archaeological digs beneath the Louvre. Friend and colleague of Von Croy. Lives alone.
LOUIS BOUCHARD. Gangland czar running illicit operations throughout the capital. Has a reputation for ruthless and opportunistic violence on a large scale. Never been convicted.
DANIEL RENNES. Specialist in illegal documentation and blackmarketeering. Uses a back street pawnbrokers as a front. Demolitions expert from his days in the French navy. Known to be insanely paranoid.
THE SHAMAN. A North African healer and tribal mystic who took care of Lara’s recovery after the Egyptian tombs.
ANTON GRIS. Works as a coach and trainer within Bouchard’s organisation. Originally recruited in Marseilles he was brought to Paris by Bouchard when operations expanded into the capital.PRAGUE
LUDDICK. A seedy, discredited reporter who has been tracking what he thinks are Mafia activities in Prague. In fact he’s had the bad luck to cross the Cabal, who protect their operations ruthlessly..."To continue reading, download the full document.

Characters roll call
LARA CROFT ex-Tomb Raider. Going through a rough patch after her entombment in Egypt. Disappeared for a while afterwards in the desert regions of N Africa. Helped to recover by the Shaman.
KURTIS TRENT ex-legionnaire and freelance agent. Raised as a Lux Veritatis initiate but rejected the role prepared for him by changing his family name and joining the Legion. Took on the Lux Veritatis mantle when his father Konstantin Heissturm was hunted down and killed.
PIETER VAN ECKHARDT insane Renaissance alchemist; has a deformed kind of immortality. Aka – Monstrum, the Abomination, the Black Alchemist.
SHAPESHIFTER an enigmatic figure who appears at various stages in different guises. His motives in appearing to help Lara are not to be trusted. Is actually one of the Nephilim posing as one of The Cabal – Joachim Karel.
WERNER VON CROY ex-mentor of Lara who still blames him for abandoning her in the tomb in Egypt. Von Croy is based in Paris. His murder, involving Lara, starts the whole saga moving.
Mlle MARGOT CARVIER historian and academic at the Louvre (Dept of Medieval and Renaissance Studies). Friend and colleague of Von Croy.
LOUIS BOUCHARD underworld czar – Parisian blackmarketeer. Based in the club ‘Le Serpent Rouge’ in dodgy back-street quarter.
DANIEL RENNES runs the pawnbrokers – also paranoid master forger. Does work for Bouchard occasionally.
JANITOR Bernard, ex janitor at Bouchard’s old club Le Serpent Rouge. Father of café owner Pierre.
CAFÉ OWNER Pierre, ex barman at Bouchard’s old club Le Serpent Rouge. Son of ex-janitor.
Tramp – smells.
Janice - girl with a heart of gold.
Janice - girl with a heart of gold.
Dealer – not stocks and bonds.
Francine – contact from café owner
Kiosk owner
Francine – contact from café owner
Kiosk owner
Other café customers..."
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Characters VO guidelines
[Characters-voice cast-v3]
LARA CROFT ex-Tomb Raider. Going through a rough patch after her entombment in Egypt. Disappeared for a while afterwards in the desert regions of N Africa. Helped to recover by the Shaman.
AGE: 34. SEXY, COOL. DAMAGED AFTER EXPERIENCES IN EGYPT (Sarah Conor in Terminator). SHORT FUSED RATHER THAN LAID BACK. VOICE OFTEN CONTAINS BARELY CONCEALED ANGER AT PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING.KURTIS TRENT ex-legionnaire and freelance agent. Raised as a Lux Veritatis initiate but rejected the role prepared for him by changing his family name and joining the Legion. Took on the Lux Veritatis mantle when his father Konstantin Heissturm was hunted down and killed.
AGE: 30. SLIGHT AMERICAN LILT (grew up in the US despite his German roots and original name). VERY COOL, TOUGH CUSTOMER. CLINT EASTWOOD, MICHAEL BIEHN, HUGH JACKMAN.PIETER VAN ECKHARDT insane Renaissance alchemist; has a deformed kind of immortality. Aka – Monstrum, the Black Alchemist.
AGE: 500+. THINKS ARCHAICALLY (wouldn’t you!). ACCENT REFLECTS CULTURED, OLD FASHIONED MID-EUROPEAN ROOTS – MAX VON SYDDOW.THE SHAMAN tribal mystic who supervised Lara’s recovery and training after Egypt.
WERNER VON CROY ex-mentor of Lara who still blames him for abandoning her in the tomb in Egypt. Von Croy is based in Paris.AGE: LATE 50’S. AUSTRIAN. REFER TO VOICE ALREADY USED.
Mme MARGOT CARVIER historian and academic at the Louvre (Dept of Medieval and Renaissance Studies). Friend and colleague of Von Croy.
AGE: LATE 50’S. SPINSTER, UPTIGHT LIBRARIAN TYPE. CLIPPED DELIVERY. PARISIAN.LOUIS BOUCHARD underworld czar – Parisian blackmarketeer. Based in the club ‘Le Serpent Rouge’ in dodgy back-street quarter.
AGE: 45. PARANOID AND NASTY. TYPICALLY SNEERY PARISIAN. JOHN BUSCEMI...."To continue reading, download the full document.

Voice actor list - first choice
[VOICE LIST-choice-v1]
FIRST CHOICES - Listed on CD your numbers:
2/ Alain Debray LOUIS BOUCHARD (01.03 – 01.31)
4/ Carole Rousseau SHAMAN
5/ Caroline Crier FRANCINE
6/ Daniel Pageon HERBALIST – French Asian
7/ Dawor Golub CAFÉ OWNER
10/ Eric Loren KURTIS (00.42 – 01.05) [backup- DEALER]
15/ Henry Goodman LUDDICK (1.31 – 01.48)
18/ Joss Ackland ECKHARDT*
19/ Kerry Shale VON CROY (01.06 – 01.11) [backup KURTIS (00.37 – 00.52)] [backup – LUDDICK]
20/ Linda Sans JANICE
21/ Marcia Warren CARVIER*
22/ Nicolas Mead DOORMAN – (04.07 – 04.05.30)
23/ Olivier Deslander EX-JANITOR – [ backup KAREL - TRAMP]
28/ Rob Brown KAREL* – [or ECKHARDT]
31/ Tony Beck TRAINER IN GYM (01.38 – 02.09)
32/ Velbor Topic GUNDERSON
33/ Wolf Kahler GRANT MULLER and ROUZIC – [backup GUNDERSON]
34/ Yoland Vazquez KRISTINA BOAZ
3/ Brigette
9/ Enn
Ivan Kaye KAREL
Stephan Cornicard DOORMAN
Stephanie Maio FRANCINE
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Cast list summary
"Cast List Summary:
Jonell Elliott: LARA CROFT
Eric Loren: Kurtis
Joss Ackland: EckhardtAlain Debray: Bouchard
Marcia Warren: Carvier
Tony Beck: Dealer/Police Helicopter/Trainer in Gym
Nicholas Mead: Doorman/Police Inside Building/Neighbours
Velibor Topic: Gunderson/Gunderson and Cabal Troops
Daniel Pageon: Herbalist/Street Characters Replies France
LindaSans: Janice/Neighbours
Olivier Deslandes: Janitor/Guard/Tramp/Lara Police Radio/Lara Caught Police
Caroline Crier: Francine/Kiosk Owner/Neighbours
Davor Golub: Pierre Café Owner
Philippe Monet: Rennes/StreetCharacters/Louvre Guards/Neighbours
Carole Rousseau: Shaman/Neighbours
Eve Karpf: Boaz and Boaz Monster
Rob Brown: Karel plus Bouchard Sh Sh/London Times/BBC World News/Strahov
Kerry Shale: Luddick/Werner von Croy/Lara Escapes Police Van//Workers/Technician/Inmates/Guards Prague
Wolf Kahler: Muller..."

Karel Shapeshifter notes
His life mission is to see his race re-established, ruling the Earth. To do this he has to help Eckhardt complete the task set by the Nephilim Elders centuries ago.
Eckhardt must be given every assistance in reviving The Sleeper. Only when this is achieved can the Nephilim be rebred into existence. Karel himself has sustained sever damage during his prolonged existence and cannot participate directly in the rebreeding process. The Sleeper is, genetically speaking, the purest remaining example of the race.
But apart from assisting Eckhardt, Karel must also ensure he can control the insane alchemist. He tries to find at least one of the Obscura Paintings before Eckhardt does and keep it back until his own preparations are ready for the final scenario ie to kill Eckhardt at the conclusion of his work. Karel will then take over the Nephilim breeding programme and become the supreme ruler of the newly emerging race.
He tricks Boaz, another Cabal member, into a minor conspiracy, and uses her to cover his own secret agenda. Von Croy has been contacted by Eckhardt to find the Paris Painting but then Karel kills him intending to take the Painting from the Louvre himself. Removing Von Croy also obscures his own tracks from Eckhardt. Lara turning up is an unexpected element which he uses by framing her..."
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Von Croy story notes
1/ In 2003 Von Croy is approached by an agent representing a client who wishes to remain anonymous. Von Croy is commissioned to unearth any of a series of five paintings, the Obscura Paintings, believed to have been completed during the Renaissance around the mid 1400's.
2/ His researches uncover evidence of at least four of them, which surfaced around 1945 when American liberation forces entered the East German town of Merkers. In the extensive salt mines dozens of galleries were found stacked with plunder, including hundreds of works of art.
3/ Amidst the detailed lists were two items, two small paintings in plain frames, recorded as a pair. Like Russian icons they were on thick wooden bases and not much larger than a book. An accompanying note mentioned a third painting at Neunschwanstein Castle, Fussen, and evidence of a possible fourth at Rosenberg Castle near Hungen. The records believed there were originally a set of five.
4/ The two paintings were absent from the plundered Nazi hoards. Someone had got to them first. The other two mentioned had likewise vanished. Of the theoretical fifth there was no evidence.
5/ The early history of the five Obscura Paintings is full of disturbing details about their origins. They are linked to an obscure fifteenth century figure who disappeared in mysterious circumstances during the Renaissance. The few manuscripts Von Croy can locate and decipher indicate that they were more than mere paintings. They were possibly intended for use in a grotesque occult ritual, though details are understandably sketchy. There was a visual record made of the paintings, the Obscura Engravings. Three, possibly four sets were made and they were completed a couple of years before the paintings themselves disappeared completely in the 1400’s. Even partial sets of are very rare in the present day.
6/ Despite suspicions about the identity of his employers Von Croy agrees to continue with the commission. His extensive research traces a possible link between the missing fifth painting and recent archaeological excavations in the Louvre. One of the four mentioned in the American reports of 1945 may possibly have turned up in Russia and been imported into Czechoslovakia. A dealer in Prague claims to have details and offers them to Von Croy, for a price.
7/ Von Croy is convinced that no one currently working on the excavations in the Louvre suspects the existence of the fifth Painting. He is sure of his findings but reluctant to share what he knows..."
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