Prague gameplay FULL
POINT 8.1:
CUTSCENE - Prague is snowbound, it is suffering from it’s worst weather front in 30 years, Lara Croft has just landed right in the middle of it. She pulls up the Range Rover and parks off the main thoroughfares. Vasiley’s shop is up ahead somewhere in the pedestrian only town square. Lara rolls the 4x4 half way down the back-street and switches off the engine, “I always get the cushy jobs” she turns the collar up on her jacket, shoulders her backpack and heads out into the drifting snow.
POINT 8.1a:
Lara can open the boot of the 4x4, in here she can find extra items that will come in useful later including a silenced pistol with laser sight, ammo for her other weapons and the new pistol, health items and GPS saves, and also a small amount of cash.
POINT 8.2:
The town square is empty due to the terrible weather, all the shops are closed and the fountain in the centre of the square is frozen solid. Lara searches around and tries to enter the shops without success, she also searches the many back alleys that run behind the shops, these only loop back around into the main square.
POINT 8.3:
IG CONV - Luddick, a news reporter is staking out Vasiley’s shop. He sits in the warmth of his car that is parked across the square. Lara can talk to him but he will only give info if she has money to barter with. He tells Lara that he’s been following Vasiley and something called the Cabal for a few weeks now, Vasiley is rumoured to be connected to the mafia in some way and now that he’s been murdered it all points to a mafia killing. Lara asks him which shop is the one Vasiley owned, he tells her and she leaves.
POINT 8.3a:
Vasileys shop is cornered off with police tape, a murder investigation. Lara will need to find another way in.
POINT 8.4:
As Lara nears Vasileys shop she can see a faint figure within the dense blizzard, it looks a bit like Bouchard, the same Bouchard that tried to kill her in Paris, what’s he doing in Prague and why is he here at Vasileys. Lara follows him into the alleyway that runs down the side of the shop, he was quite a way ahead of Lara and cannot be seen anywhere. If the player was looking at the floor they may have noticed a man-hole cover just sliding into place, this gives a small clue how to get into the shop.
Lara goes around the back and down some steps. She tries the cellar door, it’s locked up good and proper, she heads back up into the alley.
POINT 8.5:
Lara finds a makeshift crowbar in the alley, it is an old pickaxe inside one of the bins, she uses the axe to prise open the manhole, the cover lifts off but the axe snaps under the stress, Lara just manages to grab the cover and slide it over, she climbs down to rusty steel ladder into the drain.
POINT 8.6:
As Lara nears the bottom the ladder gives way, there’s no other way back up. Lara walks down the sewer a short distance and discovers a smashed thru section of wall that leads into Vasiley’s cellar...."
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Prague gameplay FULL EXPANDED
POINT 8.1:
CUTSCENE - Prague is snowbound, it is suffering from it’s worst weather front in 30 years, Lara Croft has just landed right in the middle of it. She pulls up the Range Rover and parks off the main thoroughfares. Vasiley’s shop is up ahead somewhere in the pedestrian only town square. Lara rolls the 4x4 half way down the back-street and switches off the engine, “I always get the cushy jobs” she turns the collar up on her jacket, shoulders her backpack and heads out into the drifting snow.
POINT 8.1a:
Lara can open the boot of the 4x4, in here she can find extra items that will come in useful later including a silenced pistol with laser sight, ammo for her other weapons and the new pistol, health items and GPS saves, a map of the local area (the assassin had something to do with Vasiley) and also a small amount of cash.
POINT 8.2:
The town square is empty due to the terrible weather, all the shops are closed and the fountain in the centre of the square is frozen solid. Lara searches around and tries to enter the shops without success, she also searches the many back alleys that run behind the shops, these only loop back around into the main square.
POINT 8.3:
IG CONV - Luddick, a news reporter is staking out Vasiley’s shop. He sits in the warmth of his car that is parked across the square. Lara can talk to him but he will only give info if she has money to barter with. He tells Lara that he’s been following Vasiley and something called the Cabal for a few weeks now, Vasiley is rumoured to be connected to the mafia in some way and now that he’s been murdered it all points to a mafia killing. Lara asks him which shop is the one Vasiley owned, he tells her and she leaves.
POINT 8.3a:
Vasileys shop is cornered off with police tape, a murder investigation. Lara will need to find another way in.
POINT 8.4:
As Lara nears Vasileys shop she can see a faint figure within the dense blizzard, it looks a bit like Bouchard, the same Bouchard that tried to kill her in Paris, what’s he doing in Prague and why is he here at Vasileys. Lara follows him into the alleyway that runs down the side of the shop, he was quite a way ahead of Lara and cannot be seen anywhere. If the player was looking at the floor they may have noticed a man-hole cover just sliding into place, this gives a small clue how to get into the shop.
Lara goes around the back and down some steps. She tries the cellar door, it’s locked up good and proper, she heads back up into the alley.
POINT 8.5:
Lara finds a makeshift crowbar in the alley, it is an old pickaxe inside one of the bins, she uses the axe to prise open the manhole, the cover lifts off but the axe snaps under the stress, Lara just manages to grab the cover and slide it over, she climbs down to rusty steel ladder into the drain.
POINT 8.6:
As Lara nears the bottom the ladder gives way, there’s no other way back up. Lara walks down the sewer a short distance and discovers a smashed thru section of wall that leads into Vasiley’s cellar..."
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Full cutscene list - Prague
FMV’s 5
CUTSCENES 8 (plus 2x done by Phil)
POINT 8.1: (APPROX TIMING = 30 secs )
IG-ANIM - Prague is snowbound. Lara pulls up the borrowed vehicle. Vasiley’s shop is up ahead somewhere in the pedestrian-only town square. Lara rolls the vehicle half way down the back-street and switches off the engine. “Great, another cold, dark city.” She gets out, shoulders her backpack, locks the car with the remote and heads out into the drifting snow
POINT 8.3:
IG CONV - Luddick, a news reporter is staking out Vasiley’s shop. He sits in the warmth of his car that is parked across the square. Lara can talk to him but he will only give info if she has money to barter with. He lets her get into the car when she waves some cash at him. He tells Lara that he’s been following Vasiley for months and is convinced Vasiley was connected to the Mafia in some way. Now he’s been murdered it all points to a Mafia killing. All evidence has been cleared away. Lara has to keep prompting him with cash. He shows her some files on the main ‘Mafia’ members and others including Bouchard. He might be able to get her a passcode into the Strahov, their centre of operations. The outcome later will vary depending on whether Lara is predominantly FRIENDLY or UNFRIENDLY. Lara leaves and heads for Vasiley’s premises – the crimescene.
POINT 8.11: (APPROX TIMING = 30 secs )
CUTSCENE – Lara comes across Bouchard inside Vasiley’s premises. He
pulls a gun on her and asks what she’s doing there. Lara asks why he wanted her dead in Paris. She gets the drop on him swiftly kicking the gun from his hand and then round-house kicking him in the face, Bouchard flies backward and smashes into one of the crates, Lara grabs the gun and holds it to his head. She reaches inside Bouchard’s pockets and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. She cuffs him to the radiator pipe. “Why did you want me dead in Paris Bouchard?”
POINT 8.11a:
IG CONV - Bouchard explains that Eckhardt is a ruthless killer, the Monstrum in fact, and if he didn’t do what Eckhardt siad he would be a dead man, along with his family. Eckhardt had found out that Von-Croy had contacted Vasiley regarding the Obscura Engravings and more importantly the probable whereabouts of a Painting. Vasiley knew that the Engravings were the key to finding the Paintings. Hidden within each engraving is a map. Eckhardt has four out of the five Paintings. He only needs one more to proceed with whatever his plan is. Bouchard tells Lara that the last Engraving is still here in the shop. The last intercepted fax between Von-Croy and Vasiley confirms this fact. Vasiley must have hidden it well.
The last Painting is almost certainly hidden in a place called the Vault of Trophies inside the Strahov. Bouchard also blabs that the Strahov complex is the main HQ of the Cabal. There are no Mafia involved. The Cabal is something much more sinister and deadly.
POINT 8.11b:
IG-ANIM - Lara hits Bouchard with the butt of the gun, he slumps down in a heap leaning against the radiator..."
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Cutscene shortlist - Prague
FMV’s 5
CUTSCENES = 8 mins 38secs
FMV’s = 6 mins 35secs
Tot = 15 min 13secs
POINT 8.11: (APPROX TIMING = 30 secs )
CUTSCENE – Lara comes across Bouchard inside Vasiley’s premises. He
pulls a gun on her and asks what she’s doing there. Lara asks why he wanted her dead in Paris. She gets the drop on him swiftly kicking the gun from his hand and then round-house kicking him in the face, Bouchard flies backward and smashes into one of the crates, Lara grabs the gun and holds it to his head. She reaches inside Bouchard’s pockets and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. She cuffs him to the radiator pipe. “Why did you want me dead in Paris Bouchard?”
POINT 9.12: (APPROX TIMING = 1 min 10 secs ) TO BE EDITED DOWN*
FMV - On her way through the ducts Lara witnesses her first Monstrum killing. We see Luddick being forced into a small store room by Gunderson, the guy who was chasing her in Paris in the Louvre. Luddick looks out of his depth, pleading to Gunderson to let him go. Eckhardt enters the room. Luddick freezes with fear. Eckhardt tells Gunderson to leave after being informed Luddick was caught snooping around.
Luddick is frantic and says he knows about Eckhardt’s Mafia operations. Eckhardt is amused at just how wrong Luddick is. Lara watches stunned as Eckhardt knocks Luddick out then walks over to the wall and scratches symbols in the plaster using the Glove. He chants quietly in an ancient language as he works. He then returns to Luddick who is stirring awake.
Eckhardt slashes at Luddick with the Glove, steps over the body and digs the Glove into Luddick’s chest. Luddick’s skin transmutes into metal/crystal as the Glove enters the body.
Eckhardt appears to be trancing as he slowly pulls the Glove from the transmuted chest. Energy glows around the Glove and up into Eckhardt’s arm. The symbols on the wall begin to bleed as the ritual is completed. Eckhardt stands and sweeps out of the room and turns the lights off without looking back.
Lara realises she’s witnessed some grotesque alchemic ritual.
CUTSCENE - The Bio-Hazard hi-sec holding area deep below the Strahov. A guard at a console drops his paper as lights begin to go off. Through the observation port we see lights dimming in a huge chamber with a massive reinforced containment bell suspended from chains and power cables. Sounds of power dropping. The guard hits a red panic button. Klaxons start to ring. Three guards approach the bell with guns and cattle prods, flashing red emergency lights give the scene a demonic touch. The door to the bell has been ripped open from the inside. Panic! A half seen shape flashes across screen. The three guards get taken out by a blur of shadow that rips into them. Screams of fear and pain topped by a hideous animal shriek. Utter panic in the control room!
POINT 10.8: (APPROX TIMING = 65 secs )
CUTSCENE – Lara witnesses a meeting between Eckhardt and the Cabal on an observation platform above the Bio Dome. Grant Muller sits at his desk. Eckhardt runs in with Gunderson and demands to know who cut the power. Muller says it wasn’t him.
Eckhardt is concerned that every thing locked down and all the doors sealed. Boaz rushes in a panic. The Proto Nephilim is loose. Eckhardt goes apeshit. It should have been destroyed ages ago. It’s too dangerous to be running around loose. Being half Nephilim the only thing that can kill it is a Periapt Shard and the one they have is locked away.
Eckhardt is incandescent and grabs Boaz with the Glove. She screams as Eckhardt stares at her hungrily seeming to be fighting with some inner impulse to kill her. He spins her around and shoves her into a waiting bio-pod which closes around her and drags the struggling figure into the water far below. Her muffled screams can be heard until the water shuts off the noise.
POINT 10.14: (APPROX TIMING = 45 secs )
CUTSCENE – Lara is trapped inside the DE-CON chamber. A figure taps on the heavy safety-glass window and peers in. It’s Kurtis, the guy from the Louvre. He’s trapped her in using the manual over ride now that the power is down. They exchange banter, Lara showing him the crystal he dropped at the Louvre and him saying she has caused enough trouble by shutting the power down. He’ll have to go put it back on whilst she cools her heels in the DE-CON for a while. He’ll be back for the Shard. SEE DIALOGUE: TOM-KURTIS-LARA..."
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Cutscene list EDITED - Prague
POINT 8.1:
CUTSCENE - Prague is snowbound, suffering from it’s worst weather front in 30 years, Lara Croft has just landed right in the middle of it. She pulls up the 4x4 and parks off the main thoroughfares. Vasiley’s shop is up ahead somewhere in the pedestrian-only town square. Lara rolls the 4x4 half way down the back-street and switches off the engine. “Great, another cold, dark city.” She turns the collar up on her jacket, shoulders her backpack and heads out into the drifting snow.
POINT 8.3:
IG CONV - Luddick, a news reporter is staking out Vasiley’s shop. He sits in the warmth of his car that is parked across the square. Lara can talk to him but he will only give info if she has money to barter with. He lets her get into the car when she waves some cash at him. He tells Lara that he’s been following Vasiley for months and is convinced Vasiley was connected to the Mafia in some way. Now he’s been murdered it all points to a Mafia killing. All evidence has been cleared away. Lara has to keep prompting him with cash. He shows her some files on the main ‘Mafia’ members and others including Bouchard. He might be able to get her a passcode into the Strahov, their centre of operations. The outcome later will vary depending on whether Lara is predominantly FRIENDLY or UNFRIENDLY. Lara leaves and heads for Vasiley’s premises – the crimescene.
POINT 8.11:
CUTSCENE – Lara comes across Bouchard inside Vasiley’s premises. He
pulls a gun on her and asks what she’s doing there. Lara asks why he wanted her dead in Paris. She gets the drop on him swiftly kicking the gun from his hand and then round-house kicking him in the face, Bouchard flies backward and smashes into one of the crates, Lara grabs the gun and holds it to his head. She reaches inside Bouchard’s pockets and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. She cuffs him to the radiator pipe. SEE DIALOGUE.
POINT 8.11a:
IG CONV - Bouchard explains that Eckhardt is a ruthless killer, the Monstrum in fact, and if he didn’t do what Eckhardt siad he would be a dead man, along with his family. Eckhardt had found out that Von-Croy had contacted Vasiley regarding the Obscura Engravings and more importantly the probable whereabouts of a Painting. Vasiley knew that the Engravings were the key to finding the Paintings. Hidden within each engraving is a map. Eckhardt has four out of the five Paintings. He only needs one more to proceed with whatever his plan is. Bouchard tells Lara that the last Engraving is still here in the shop. The last intercepted fax between Von-Croy and Vasiley confirms this fact. Vasiley must have hidden it well.
The last Painting is almost certainly hidden in a place called the Vault of Trophies inside the Strahov. Bouchard also blabs that the Strahov complex is the main HQ of the Cabal. There are no Mafia involved. The Cabal is something much more sinister and deadly.
Lara hits Bouchard with the butt of the gun, he slumps down in a heap leaning against the radiator. (NEEDS A LITTLE CUTSCENE?????)
POINT 8.18:
IG-ANIM - Lara heads into the backroom where she’d encountered Bouchard. He’s gone! The handcuffs are left hanging from the radiator pipe, how the hell did he escape. “What th’…?” SEE DIALOGUE..."
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Prague full story walkthrough
8.1/ PRAGUE - snowbound. Lara pulls up in the Range Rover and parks off the main thoroughfares. Vasiley’s shop is up ahead somewhere in the pedestrian-only town square. Cash, health items, GPS’s, laser mines like those used in Von Croy apartment and extra weapons can be taken from the Land Rover. She shoulders her backpack and heads into the drifting snow. NB - once Lara has left the ‘Rover she can’t re-enter it unless she has spoken to Luddick and needs more money.
8.2/ The square is empty except for a lone car. The shops are locked. Back alleys don’t lead anywhere.
8.3/ A seedy local reporter, Luddick, is sat in the car staking out the murder crimescene. Lara is able to bribe him for info on Vasiley who he’s been investigating as part of a Mafia story. Luddick is convinced it’s the Mafia ring leaders who had Vasiley killed and has tattered dossiers on five suspects he’s been tracking [the Cabal members].
Luddick says all the police evidence and the body has been taken to the Strahov and hushed up.
He agrees to get Lara an access code into the Strahov, but depending on how the dialogue goes she either will or will not be offered a Gloch 13c machine pistol after leaving Vasiley’s premises.
- The premises of Mathias Vasiley’s are just around the corner. It’s cordoned off by police crimescene tapes.
- Lara sees a figure in the blizzard disappear up a quiet alley at the side of the premises. It looked like Bouchard!
- When she gets there he’s gone. Lara has to work out her own way to break in through a manhole that the discerning player may have noticed sliding shut when she followed the figure through the snow storm.
- A rusty ladder leads via a sewer to the basement of Vasiley’s premises.
8.7/ OPTIONAL - Lara may have to deal with a couple of henchmen in the basement. If she takes one out the other whispers, “Hey, what’s going on? Are you OK?”
8.8/ The cellar resembles Von Croy’s apartment. It’s where Mathias Vasiley was murdered – Monstrum style, blood and symbols daubed everywhere. But no sign of the body. Bouchard is waiting and takes a pot shot at Lara from the top of the stairs then runs for it.
8.9/ Lara stalks Bouchard around the building and finds a door she can’t open with a pool of blood trickling out. The back of the premises is full of covered antiques, crates and curios. She thinks Bouchard must have killed the victim behind the door and has panicked.
8.11/ Bouchard appears and holds a gun on her. He want to know what she’s doing there. She catches him off guard, duffs him up, takes his gun, handcuffs him to a radiator pipe and grills him.
8.11a/ Bouchard blabs. His blabby behaviour is uncharacteristic of what we know of him
- He says he’s got involved with Eckhardt who is a killer, the Monstrum in fact.
- Eckhardt heads a group called the Cabal. There are no Mafia involvements.
- This powerful alliance of sinister honchos run things from the Strahov here in Prague.
- Bouchard got coerced by Eckhardt who was putting pressure on his operations, threatened his family and was killing his men. He had to deliver the Obscura Painting from the Louvre into Eckhardt’s hands or else…
Lara asks what he knows about the Obscura Paintings.
- Eckhardt has four of the Obscura Paintings now.
- Eckhardt knew that Vasiley had located the Obscura Engravings here in Prague and sent four of them to Von Croy in Paris.
- The fifth Engraving with its hidden map showing where the last Painting is located is here in Prague. It’s still in Vasiley’s shop somewhere.
- The last Painting is in a place called The Vault of Trophies somewhere in the Strahov.
- The Vault of Trophies is a lost Lux Veritatis chamber that Eckhardt has been trying to locate.
NB. Weird alert! Bouchard has the telltale signs that we realise later in the game are the marks of the ShapeShifter – faint swirls on the skin/hands. If the player was quick enough they’d have spotted these on various characters in Paris, especially when the Louvre painting was being stolen from Kurtis
8.11b/ Lara leaves him handcuffed and goes to check the premises for herself. The shop area is filled with art treasures, books etc..."
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