AOD 20th
Janice Bullet Points
February - 2023
This document is written as an outline only, bullet pointing the main influences on Janice’s early life and showing how she came to be in Paris in the years when the Monstrum was active in the Capital. For her a chance encounter with a certain denim-clad murder suspect on the run is just one small element in the complicated balancing act that is her life on the streets. And of course there is more to her presence at that particular time and place than would at first be apparent. So … read on!
• ORIGINS AND BEGINNINGS. Janice Amélie Boudout grew up in the small south eastern French village of Luc-sur-Orbieu in the Occitanie region.
• Her Father, Capitaine Georg Boudout, was the police chief of the nearby Lézignan-Corbière Gendarmerie.
• Her mother, Anaïs Marie, worked part time in the local hospital at Lézignan. She was the heir to a local vineyard but had grown increasingly unstable and withdrawn since Janice’s birth in 1976. In latter years she has unfortunately become an alcoholic.
• THE EARLY YEARS. Janice’s father has always encouraged her to be as independent and self reliant as possible and introduced her to the police gym when she was a youngster. Over the years she took lessons in Savate, French kickboxing, and the French martial art of Canne de Combat (defensive staff skills akin to Bo Staff work).
• 1993. Janice is 17x and wants to follow her father into police work. A typical teenager, she is desperate to see something of life away from the quiet village she has grown up in. She sees her future pursuing a police career in some big bustling city.
• In the summer of 1993 Sergeant Fabien Maneau turns up in the Lézignan jurisdiction, reporting to Capitaine Georg. He is on record as recuperating from an injury taken in the line of duty in Paris where he works for some obscure security arm of the services.
• Janice is entranced by Maneau, someone from the Capital and possibly working for some kind of special government agency! To her he appears as irresistibly exotic and exciting.
• She hangs around him as much as possible, even sparring with him in the police gym during his ‘recovery’. Fabien enjoys her attention but is careful how he behaves towards her, especially under the eye of her ever vigilant and imposing father.
• THE SPECIAL ESCORT. Being on the main N113 between Narbonne and Toulouse Capitaine Georg’s station is responsible for arranging safe passage and police escorts for anyone of importance passing through his district. This can range from popular celebrities to visiting guests of the government.
• In late autumn 1993 Janice’s father gets notification that a special individual will be passing through his area and he duly arranges a protective police escort of two cars and three motorcycle outriders to be on alert. It’s all relatively straightforward to coordinate even though this time there is a slightly higher security rating than usual. The visitor will be travelling in a bullet-proof Citroen limousine.
• There is some speculation and joking amongst officers at the station that Sgt Maneau may have been sent here to keep an eye on the local ‘flics’ for just this eventuality but it is all light hearted and no one takes it too seriously – apart from Janice! For her this possibility raises the Parisian officer to the level of a Lone Ranger figure, markedly increasing his romantic appeal.
• Not being privy to the full details of the operation Janice never finds out exactly who this special individual is, but that doesn’t matter. All that does matter is that something exciting is happening, here, in her village! Her plan is to wait with her mother on the side of the main road through Lézignan and wave as the convoy goes by.
• Everything is in place for the safe-conduct operation and things go smoothly until an unplanned stop-off at a local vineyard. The celebrity expresses a desire to take this rare opportunity to sample and purchase a selection of the local special appellation vintage wines.
• Which is where everything goes badly wrong. The convoy never gets as far as the waiting well wishers in the town because there is a sudden ambush launched by an extremist post-Libyan Activist group in the vineyard.
• The exchange of fire between ambushers and the police is ferocious. Luckily the bullet-proof limousine manages to escape despite taking a heavy barrage of strikes. Most of the attackers are killed and only a solitary ambusher escapes.
• The great tragedy of the shocking incident is that Janice’s father is killed along with two of his officers.
• The limousine and convoy speeds off towards Toulouse and Paris.
• Janice and her mother hear snatches of news of what has gone on at the vineyard. Regional Gendarmerie and incoming security forces scurry to process the crime scene and sort out the wreckage left behind.
• It’s a total disaster and news of Cpt. Boudout’s death and that of his officers rocks the town and village to its core. Janice is devastated. Her mother is inconsolable. Their lives have fallen apart.
• A few short days afterwards, Sgt. Fabien Maneau departs for Paris. Janice hears of this but is too caught up in looking after her mother and in her own intense grief to do more than merely register the fact.
• Her life continues to fall to pieces. Her mother commits suicide by walking into the local River Orbieu. Janice is taken under the wings of two aunts who live close by.
• NB unfortunately these two relatives, along with a conniving uncle, are intent on swindling Janice out of the vineyard inheritance now that Anaïs Marie is out of the picture."
To continue reading, download the full document.

Janice Short Summary
February - 2023
Janice Boudout is the owner of Domain Rouge, an elite escort service that caters for the atypical, the outré and the unusual. Nothing dangerous or sleazy, just very specialised – and discreet.
As befits an elite set up all of Janice’s employees are carefully monitored and provided with a full health care programme and safeguards against the violent behaviour that can often accompany this kind of work. Janice is highly protective of her girls or Tricoteuses as she calls them.
For the last nine years she has been working in cahoots with a covert government agency designated as CWC (Covert Within Covert). Operating under cover she works out on the streets, trawling for information on criminal syndicates or dangerous individuals to feed back to her CWC boss. She is in a unique position to carry out surveillance in this way but prefers to keep the two sides of her working life totally separate by never involving any of her girls or employees directly. In this way she is able to maintain complete autonomy in everything she does.
In return for these services Domain Rouge remains shielded from any interference by the CWC or any other official organisations, national or otherwise.
Janice’s extensive knowledge of what goes on in her arrondissement and adjacent city districts is an invaluable asset to her boss in the CWC.
When Janice encounters an imposing denim-clad stranger in 2003 she is actually on a sortie for CWC gathering information on a series of grotesque killings in her area that the press have tagged with the lurid title The Monstrum. The crime scenes are daubed with weird symbols and the entire city is on terror alert. All of which makes the questions the stranger is asking highly suspect. They treat each other with extreme caution.
[NB for fuller information on how Janice’s highly irregular working situation
in Paris came about see the fuller document: ‘Janice Bullet Points’]
• See: film Nikita.
• Also Lady Heather in CSI series (played by Melinda Clarke).
• Also: Melinda Clarke in Firefly as Nandi running a bordello: Episode - Heart of Gold.
• Day of the Jackal.
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